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Riverdale is committed to preserving the earth’s scarce resources, returning process and consumer waste streams to useful production and away from one-way recovery or final disposal. We operate a Zero Waste to Landfill Policy, in compliance with our accredited ISO14001 Environmental Management system.

The original philosophy of the Riverdale business model was preparing and returning its customers’ waste production resources to the economic system. In the early years of the business, this may have involved the collection of printers’ reel ends and their preparation for re-use in new markets. Today it includes the processing of a far wider range of materials, using advanced technology, but still with economics and the environment at its core.

A key aspect of our service to customers is the provision of detailed data and the way wastes are managed. Accurate, up to date information is critical to businesses understanding their environmental performance and taking measures to mitigate their environmental impact. We provide our customers with detailed monthly reports, detailing the following as a minimum:

  • Material types
  • Material grade
  • Weight
  • Recycling / Recovery Process
  • Riverdale can also produce a Carbon Impact Report on an annual basis, enabling its customers to include this in their annual Sustainability or CSR report.

These reports can also be made available on-line, via a secure, user-specific access system’.

Get in touch

Find out how we can help your business or organisation by calling 0191 482 4271, or email

Discuss your recycling, security shredding and waste management needs with us today.

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